Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Stuffed Mushrooms: Nature's Mini-Tupperware Bowls

Shrooms, mushrooms, fungi--call them what you will, but mushrooms hold a special place in my heart.

They'll absorb any flavor they're paired with and I have yet to come across a dish that a mushroom couldn't accent. One of my favorite things about Sparrow Market is that they always have a gorgeous selection of mushrooms. Yes, I used the word gorgeous to describe produce. Judge for yourself.

The key to a good stuffed mushroom is well-seasoned sausage. Sparrow Market happened to have some incredible breakfast sausage that day so I was in business. In all honesty this recipe took 10 minutes to prepare and about 1/2 an hour to cook. Not much effort for a delicious pay off.

Gluten-free Stuffed Shrooms 
8 medium-large mushrooms, cored (reserve stems)
1/2 lb sausage
1/2 cup bread crumbs (I used Glutino, a corn-based bread crumb)
2 cloves garlic
Salt and pepper to taste

Cook sausage on medium heat and add garlic and chopped mushroom stems. When the sausage is almost browned (~10 minutes) add the bread crumbs and mix thoroughly. Prior to filling the mushrooms, taste test the mixture and add seasoning only if needed. Fill mushroom caps and place on a cookie sheet. Cook at 350 for 25 minutes.

Here's to fungi--lc.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Lauren,

    I came across your blog and noticed we're from the same town. You should update more frequently!

    Just no more posts about mushrooms though, I think they're kinda gross...

    See ya around.
